Being with children in the outdoor play equipment
As we know, family is the root of everything in one's while life. It represents the number"1", while others things, such as wealth, powers, working positions is compared to the number "0", without the "1" placed ahead, all the other "0" placed together means nothing at all. Indeed, home is certainly where the heart lies. No matter what distinctive jobs people are taking in the society, when they returned home, they still play the most common roles in the world, that is, the role of parents and the role of children, which are the titles that are most familiar and closest in one's heart. While the fast pace of modern life has deprived people of the leisure time to spend with their families outside of work, some parents even failed to play the role of keeping them company when they are needed. Such actions not only leave children in a lonely family environment, but also hurt their feeling because they would always feel left out by their parents. So as far as I'm concerned, being with children in the outdoor play equipment is as important as working.
In the first place, being with family is a happiness that far outweighs any successes achieved at work. Nothing would be warmer than the hug of your loved ones, and nothing would be more worthwhile that the smiles showed up on children's faces. Working is a kind of burden that one should bear throughout his life, while being with family and having fun with children in the outdoor play equipment is enjoyment that one can receive in a very short period of time in one's whole life. When the children grow up and become as busy as their parents, it is almost impossible for the whole family to get together for a meal. Without doubt, one ought to treasure each day spent with family. Home encompasses the richest source of happiness in one's whole life. Therefore, in spite of a tough workload, it is imperative to squeeze out enough time to do something with the family. Whether it be watching TV comfortably in the sitting room or having a walk outdoors in a nearby park. Family union is the most common occasion but it's value has exceeded any priceless treasure the world has ever boasted.
Secondly, it is the fundamental responsibility of every member of the society to care about families no matter how tight his working schedule is. As regard to most parents, they are looking forward to fulfilling their life with material abundance and are working very hard to try to send their children to the best schools and receive the best education. While in the course of perusing for wealth, they show an ignorant attitude toward children's need of company and love. Love has changed its original meaning of caring for their loved ones to satisfying only their family members' material demands. How pessimist it is! This exactly tells us the truth that we choose to play with our i-phones in the luxury car without speaking a word with each other, but give up the opportunity of having fun and chatting with each other in the beautiful outdoor play equipment.

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